Trading Tips
Trading Tips brings you the best unconventional moneymaking strategies available to the individual trader. Stock Picks, Options Trades, Market News and Actionable Commentary. Founded in 2006 as an independent publisher of investment newsletters, our products, and advisory services teach regular people how to become better and smarter traders.
62 episodes
Is Boeing a Buy in 2020?
The start of the year brings new companies into focus for investors, particularly those that had a poor showing in the prior year. There are a few different ways to classify these opportunities, but most are based on being a “dog” of some sort....

Three Stocks to Buy for 2020
With the end of the year, there are all sorts of predictions about the next. But more important than predictions are specific investment ideas.There are a few ways to take advantage of the changing calendar and find profitable investment...

Is Disney+ Stock Making Investors Too Optimistic?
One of the best-performing stocks of the 2010’s was Netflix. And, with 2019’sbig push for new streaming services, the competition is heating up.The most interesting competitor to emerge this year was The Walt Disney Co...

What to expect from the 2019 Santa Claus Rally
Decades of investment data can reveal a lot of interesting patterns. A fun seasonal one right now is that of the Santa Claus Rally. Simply put, it’s the propensity for stocks to rally into the end of the year.Originally, this trend was n...

Does the Cybertruck Make Tesla Motors a Buy?
Tesla Motors Continues to Innovate, But Will Shareholders Benefit?There’s no room in life for complacency. Capitalism has been described as a form of “creative destruction,” whereby new products and services lower costs and shift ...

One Troubling Sign of a Market Top - Beware of the Buyout
Markets often top out for a while—or go through a multi-month correction—when greed gets rampant. There are a lot of ways to look at this phenomenon. It can happen when everyday folks are suddenly interested in the stock market.But a mor...

What Celebrity Investors Do—and Don’t—Mean for a Company
Typically, celebrities and investing seem like two entirely different subjects. That hasn’t always been true. There’s actually been a rich history of celebrities getting involved with publicly-traded companies as investors, active partners, and...

The Secret to Stock Market Gains
There are many ways to invest—and many potential ways to beat the market.But one way, more than any other, will result in different returns than the market. Done right, it means beating the pants off of the index. Done wrong, it means un...

How to Start Growing Wealth Today With Just $50
We all come into some extra money from time to time. Whether it’s from a birthday card from a relative, some cash found in the pocket of an old jacket, or even just literally found on the street, that extra money can be put to good use.I...

Warren Buffet Investment Strategy Theory From a Penny
What Warren Buffett’s Investment Strategy Tells Us About Today’s ValuesOnly a few investors have come close to Warren Buffett’s track record. Over the decades, he’s beaten the market handily. That success all comes down to one fac...

Three Numbers to Understand When Trading
As tempting as it is to just dive into trading, it’s important to know a few things first. Knowing these “rules of the game” ensure you’re going in with sufficient knowledge to profit more often than you lose on a trade.With just three s...

How to Manage Risks for the Best Returns
While most investors think of the potential returns possible, they do so at the danger of overlooking the flip side to the equation: Risk. All investments have risks. It may be the risk of a bond losing value over time due to inflation. It may ...

The Psychology Behind Great Trading Performance
The stock market can do a lot of things efficiently. It can digest news about a company’s performance in seconds, for instance. But it also picks up on the fear or greed of traders. If traders think a company is going bankrupt, they won...

How to Make Passive Income With Stocks
How Stocks Are the Best Game in Town For IncomeWhen most people think of the stock market, they think of big price swings that can make—or lose—a fortune quickly.While that’s certainly a component to it, smart investor...

The Three Top Trading Tips for Beginners
What Investment Beginners Really Need to Know About InvestingThere’s a lot of excitement around investing—and rightly so. It’s possible to build a fortune. But it’s also possible to lose your shirt.&nb...

Three Simple Ways to Make Trading Consistently Profitable
Trading isn’t for everyone. Most active investors fail to beat the market’s average return. That’s because they make a lot of mistakes. While that’s an inevitable part of investing, failing to learn from those mistakes a...

A Simple Way to Repeatedly Bank Profits From Smaller Companies
Study after study on the market indicates that investors in smaller companies often get a return premium over time. There’s some common-sense explanation behind that superior return. Bigger, more established companies may get all the at...

Three Good Investments From Negative Interest Rates
If you just follow the stock market, you may have missed the biggest financial news in years. That news is the rise of negative interest rates—or bonds that pay investors less in total than what it costs them to invest. In the past, you...

Profit From Weathering a Storm
Hurricane season is in full swing this time of year, and once again the east coast is in the crosshairs. It’s something that’s happened before, and will happen again. While the unpredictable weather can sometimes cause billions of dolla...

For the Best Investments, Look Forward, Not Backward
Hindsight is 2020. While it’s easy to look back on a great trade that you passed up, investors make a much more common mistake.They tend to use recent trends and extrapolate them out forever. The problem with that strategy is th...

A Simple Way to Find the Best Bargains Within a Sector
If you’re looking to invest in one sector specifically, you may come in with some perceived notion. For instance, if you were looking to invest in an oil company, you may pick a stock where a family member or friend worked for years. If...

A Simple Way to Profit From Trade War Fears
For the past few years, markets have had some big swings every time concerns have risen over trade between the U.S. and China.But rather than get worried over it, the best thing to do is to look at the pattern, and see how you can trade...

This Sector’s So Hated that It’s Worth Buying Now
Investing is a lot more than just the numbers—earnings, sales, future financial projections, you name it.There’s a mental and emotional aspect too.That’s where you get extreme moves. For instance, during the tech bubble ...

Take Advantage of Today’s Bizarre Economic Conditions
Lately, most pieces of macroeconomic data seem to fall into a “good news/bad news” category.For example, unemployment is near a 60 year low. That’s good news. But as unemployment has gotten low, new job growth has slowed. That’s bad new...

Buy Fast-Growing Companies Falling On Earnings Letdowns
Four times per year, earnings season gives investors new data about a company’s operations. It’s one of the best times to see shares make a big move—in either direction.But sometimes some funny things happen. Like a company reports a gr...